Every now and then the City of Sydney Council reveals its truly potted side, by installing unusual flower and leaf planter-box sculptures on the footpaths in a bid to spruce up the neighbourhood.
The latest crop of kooky-shaped, green-sculptures arrived last week and if I had more time on my hands, I would have gone to Reverse Garbage in Marrickville, in Sydney's inner west, to purchase art and craft supplies, off-cuts and other materials, so I could creep out in the middle of the night and turn these:
Into these:

I wouldn't need much, just some old tennis balls, pieces of cardboard, maybe some kind of round-ducted device and a handful of sticks, and in a few crafty minutes the streets of Darlinghurst would be invaded by Daleks:

Perhaps I do have too much time on my hands though, because I also dreamt up an idea for a budget craft attack, whereby I would find some old vacuum-cleaner hoses to transform the planter-boxes into that dinky robot from Lost in Space:

But the Dalek urge is much stronger and the similarity uncanny, so despite the City of Sydney Council's intention to inspire thoughts of Spring-growth and plant lovin', I only think, ''Ex-ter-minate! Ex-ter-minate!''
Since Dr Who's foes were installed, near Poos on Sticks on Victoria Street, I have also started having peculiar day-dreams that a seemingly innocent floral-Dalek such as this . . .
Something a bit less difficult:
Simply brilliant. :)
I just can't stop laughing (which makes typing difficult...)
Ms Tingle you have a deliciously warped sense of humour.
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