This flyer was posted in the window of the newly relocated Bill Warner Chemist on the corner of Victoria and Surrey streets.
Energy Australia are hoping to install new kiosk substations in the area to cater to the increased demand for power, and obviously some people aren't happy about it.
The kiosk mentioned in the flyer above is set to be installed on Surrey Street, just outside Dr Warner's shop door.
Energy Australia says it will result in the loss of one car space, but that a nearby Plane tree will be unaffected. Save the car space, saw down the tree, I say.
The kiosk is rather big (about 2.7m long, 1.5m wide and 1.6m high) and not all that pretty but I don't really understand the fuss Dr Warner is making - especially when he keeps his shop lights on all night.
It also appears that the Surrey Street location is an alternative to Energy Australia's original and foolish plan to place the kiosk within the grounds of St John's Church across the road, which was opposed by the Darlinghurst Residents Action Group in August.
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