Friday, October 7, 2011

Darlinghurst Blog: Detritus: Personal Declaration

A New Sun Rises Over Darlinghurst, by Violet Tingle, 2011.

I mentioned in a blog post last week that I was celebrating a big change in my life and that I would tell you all about it. I added the news to the My Story blog post, but I am also going to tell you here because no one seems to have noticed it there and people keep asking me what The Big Change is. 
Well, I have a new job and I am now employed by the City of Sydney, which is not only a big career change for me, but a cultural change too and I am very excited and optimistic about this new challenge.
I would hope that I don't over-share personal information on this blog so that it becomes some kind of vanity project, but there is an important reason why I should let you know about my new job.
Basically, I now have a personal investment in the City of Sydney and I wouldn't ever want to be accused of bias in my blog posts, without first declaring that interest.
I occasionally write about events and what-not related to, or funded by, the City of Sydney, and that is not going to change. I just want you to know that the opinions, thoughts and adventures here on this blog are my own.
Admittedly, I won't be writing any posts that criticise the council but the blog benefits of working at Town Hall mean that I will be able to pop down to the City of Sydney Archives at lunch-time for research, while I will also be in a position where I can learn first hand about any wonderful events that are planned.
I still make no money from this blog; it has and always will be a labour of love. 

Thanks for reading, warmest wishes, Violet x.

PS. The sunrise photograph at the top of the post was taken one beautiful September morning;  later that day I learned that I had successfully landed the new job. 
The digitally altered Coca-Cola photograph (above) is part of a promotion, whereby if you text your name to 0400 807 807 they will send you a personalised picture (28c or 29c per SMS, depending on the carrier). As part of the same promotion, the real Coca-Cola sign looked like this yesterday:


Anonymous said...

Congrats, well done. They're lucky to have you!

Dalia said...

sounds like an amazing opportunity! go sydney!